Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Options, options...

First day back from spring break, and I'm officially tired of going to school. Can't I just take the freaking exams and just get this semester over with? We have oral arguments this week, which are mandatory in order to pass Legal Writing. Lots of what I'll chalk up to law school urban legend has been going around about this ungraded but mandatory assignment:

  • Some guy showed up with his iPod, said, "I believe this case can be best summed up through interpretive dance," and proceeded to do the robot. He passed the class.
  • Some guy showed up, stood up and addressed the court, and then passed the next ten minutes in silence. He passed the class.
  • Some guy showed up in jeans and was turned away, admonished for not dressing appropriately. Status unknown.
  • Some guy showed up and polymorphed all the judges into sheep for 50 seconds. He is now lvl 60.

I've been thinking about pulling that last one.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

More WoW

Ahhh, it was so nice to spend all of spring break playing World of Warcraft. I am now a Level 22 Gnome Mage, Benni.

This is a picture of me and my snowshoe rabbit, Bunni.

And me and my green-winged macaw, Bonni.

Monday, March 13, 2006

WoW Me!

So Dan finally convinced me to start playing World of Warcraft. We've been roaming around on the Akama server as Benni and Clydde. This is me: