Saturday, February 25, 2006

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Today I killed my second colossus. I like having an infinite supply of arrows.

I am having problems with my horse, Agro, who always makes a fool out of me. He overruns me when I call for him. It takes three mounting attempts to mount the sucker. He won't jump off cliffs either. What a cry-baby.

I am due for some sleep. Fourteen more colossi to go.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mock Tortles Took It All

Well, our mock trial team, the Nixonators, made it to the Semifinals of the tournament.

Our case was the crappily written State of Lone Star v. Alan Blizard. Despite the many frustrations dealing with a particularly underhanded team, I found some comfort in supplying our own witnesses (see horror stories). Admittedly, the first Casey we came up against was horrible--long, irrelevant rants about her pilates class and Passions--but most horrendous of all, she claimed she never saw a key piece of evidence. She recanted as soon as I started impeaching her, but still.

When the sides switched and I became Casey, that was a whole lot of fun; I made a skating rink uniform and wore it to the witness stand. At least one person (Cat) said she'd be interested in an Armadillo Skateworld shirt, so now it's available from Zazzle.

And I am now a member of the Mock Trial Board. I will get to represent our school in interscholastic competitions next year.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

As Requested

Matthias, aka "Bear"!

I am also studying, I swear.

While I wait for the USPS to deliver Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 4, and Haunting Ground, I borrowed Heather's copy of Shadow of the Colossus.

I haven't actually played a video game since 1997 (The Adventures of Batman & Robin on Super Nintendo), and before that, nada. So really, I suck. I was impatient with the long opening titles of Colossus, so I skipped them. Bad idea! I missed crucial instructions not found in the printed booklet. After thirty or forty minutes of roaming around pointlessly, I finally decided to restart the game and watch the intro. I found the first colossus, and it took me 2 full hours to beat the freaking monster. My left thumb is still sore. Will I develop lovely calluses? I'll keep you posted. Anyhow, back to the game: Since I got lost again finding the second colossus, I decided to look at an online guide. I found this comment regarding the first colossus: "Yep, this big guy is an easy one, but it’s all a lot tougher from here on out." Oh, shit! Do I have 5 hours to spare for the next one?

Also, I'm excited about the Silent Hill movie. Sounds like the plot from 1, with graphics from 2 and 3. It'll still probably suck, but I'm ok with that. Yay, Silent Hill!