Wednesday, October 26, 2005


It finally happened--I caught a cold. I'm pooped. But here's my mp3 collection so far (I did break down and buy some albums off iTunes, even though I said I never would).

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Yay! I'm Done!

I may not be so happy when I get my memo grade back, but right now it's 5:47 p.m. and I have a whole night ahead of me. Sure, I still have to wake up in time to turn in the memo. Sure, I still have to study for all my classes tomorrow. But I'm happy happy happy happy happy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Memo Bloody Memo

If a snail could write, it would write at the pace I am.

As I reread the cases and fine tune the rule extractions, I've noticed how much I've distanced myself from certain facts of the case.

Our memo topics are summary judgment, vicarious liability, and scope of employment. I have been reading the cases to find out what sort of actions would fall into the scope of employment (or more accurately, what would create a triable issue that an employee was acting within the scope of employment). So I make a mental list; this falls under, that doesn't, and this creates a triable issue. I concentrate so much on the facts that are relevant to my memo that I realized I forgot that some of the people we are writing about have actually died from the accident being disputed over.

Now I am sad.

P.S. I watched both Shaun of the Dead and 28 Days Later. Would watch "Thriller" but too lazy to search for the video online. Good suggestion though. Maybe the "Thriller" dance scene in 13 Going on 30? Just kidding. Jennifer Garner has made it on my shit list. (Ben Affleck has a lot to do with that.)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

That Scary Smile

It's time for Memo #2 and I'm so happy! Shoot me now and put me out of my ecstasy, please.

I remember I felt incredibly chemically imbalanced my senior year in undergrad; I couldn't help but be depressed all the time. Now I feel chemically imbalanced again--except, this time I seem to be in good spirits for no reason.

I was excited to see a bullfrog stare at a neighbor's door last night. I smiled when a grasshopper slowly retreated when I climbed up the stairs.

I loved how it rained today...the pavement smells lovely when it rains.

The following songs aren't really supposed to happy ones, but I am so elated listening to them right now:
"Take It Back"--Loquat
"Petites gouttes d'eau"--Tindersticks
"Nothing Better"--Postal Service

I really want to watch a zombie movie; which one should it be? Versus, Shaun of the Dead, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, the original Dawn of the Dead, or 28 Days Later?

Monday, October 03, 2005

Another Month, Another Rent Check

Apparently, peach season is over. I am very sad, for my cravings are very strong.

Looks like law school work is picking up. Thankfully, I've already caught up watching "Lost." The season premiere of "Alias" was a huge disappointment, so I need a J.J. Abrams replacement, and "Lost" is it. No, I'm never renting any "Felicity" dvds.