Mid-Book Review: The Essential Difference
Title: The Essential Difference--The Truth About the Male and Female Brain (hardcover version title)
Author: Simon Baron-Cohen
Status: Page 88 of 186, 271 including appendices (tests completed), bibliography, and index
Mid-Book Review: So far the author has stated his thesis pretty much over and over, as well as his caveats. Basically, I feel as long as you've heard the following points, you've read 88 pages of this book:
- Males tend to be systematic thinkers, female empathetic thinkers, and experiments have "proven" this even minutes after a baby is born.
- The above thesis refers to the average male and the average female, and there can be exceptions to the rule.
- Autism can be though of as of having an overly "male" brain.
From what I've heard, point no. 3 is the most "controversial."
Besides using the same graphs over and over (but with different labels and titles) and referring to many experiments that seem to have unmentioned variables, Baron-Cohen feels like a fluff writer. His language is not too interesting--worse, this book suffers from the turn-my-paper-into-a-full-length-book syndrome. I'm only going to finish the book so I don't feel bad about selling it back.
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